This article is for beginners as well as intermediate level machine learning enthusiasts.

1. Entropy

Entropy - In general term, entropy measures randomness. When dealing with data, Entropy measures randomness in data/information being processed. If a data has high order or randomness, it becomes difficult to derive any pattern, conclusion or predict something out of it. Hence, we say such dataset has high entropy. A complete random outcome will have high order of entropy.

In simple term, Entropy measures the impurity or uncertainty present in the data.

Below, is the given mathematical formula for calculating Entropy for a dataset.

Entropy formulae and explaination

We will disucss about the use of Entropy in below sections.

2. Information Gain

Information Gain

How much information a particular variable or feature contributes to the model. Information gain basically tells the importance of a particular variable or feature toward the target variable or final result.

Information gain formulae and explaination

3. Example with Decision Tree

Example with Decision Tree

Both Entropy and Information gain are very important in determining the performance of a model. Here we will discuss how Entropy and Information Gain is useful in evaluating the model.

Use case

Let us take, we need to forecast whether match will be played or not based on the weather condition. In the below given table

Use case weather condition for entropy and information gain

There are "Outlook", "Humidity" and "Wind" as independent variables and "Play" is dependent or target variable.

Below is the example of Decision Tree for the given example. In Decision Tree, which is inverted tree where each branch denotes a decision. Root node is topmost node in Decision Tree.

Use case weather condition for entropy and information gain

Important point here is, how we will determine, which independent variable we must choose for the root node. A little focussed thinking will tell, the indendent which is very important or contributing most to the target variable or final result must be root node. Now how we can determine which variable is highest contributing toward final result? Answer is: through Information Gain.

In given example, "Outlook" node is choosen as root node, which gives 3 values or possibilities viz. "Sunny", "Overcast" and "Rain". When it is "Overcast", with complete certainity we can say, that answer will be "Yes". In other cases of "Sunny" and "Rain" Yes is with probability: 2/5 and 3/5 respectively as shown in above Decision Tree.

4. Evaluation of Dependent Variable

Let us calculate Entropy first. As there are 9 instances of "Yes" and 5 instances of "No". Hence, Entropy or uncertainity of the data present in sample is 0.940

Represenation of Overfitting and Underfitting

Let us say, we select root node as all the possible variables "Outlook", "Windy", "Humidity" and "Temperature". For selecting which variable will be best fitted for root node can be obtained by comparing their Information Gain

Calcuating information gain for 4 variable

Below are calcuation of Information Gain for 4 Variables: "Windy", "Outlook", "Humidity" and "Temperature".

Calcuating information gain for 4 variable
Calcuating information gain for 4 variable
Calcuating information gain for 4 variable
Calcuating information gain for 4 variable

Based on the comparison of Information gains of above 4 cases, highest information gain is obtained when root node is "Outlook". Hence, root node in Decision Tree must be choosen as "outlook".

Calcuating information gain for 4 variable

Thank you for reading it all along. Hope you liked this article!!

About the author

Prakash snippetnuggets


You can contact him at [email protected]